Support > Forums > OpenBots Studio > Native Browser extension is not responding

Native Browser extension is not responding


  • Reporter
  • Calender Icon December 27,2021 at 1:49 PM

Hi openbot experts,

I am using the Native browser click element command-

Error: Native Browser extension is not responding, please make sure it's installed and enabled. Try restarting the browser engine.

but the extension is already installed and I was able to execute the Native Browser Create Application Edge command before this.

Any suggestions would be helpful

This forum has 314 topics, 681 replies, and was last updated 14 days ago by Support Agent

Karl Chester

  • Participant
  • Calender Icon December 30,2021 at 5:53 PM

It seems the path was incorrect for me, for the location of the OpenBots.NativeServer.exe file.

My path was: "path": "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenBots Inc\OpenBots Studio\Extensions\NativeServer\OpenBots.NativeServer.exe",

in the com.openbots.chromeserver.message-manifest.json file.

Once updated to: "path": "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenBots Inc\Extensions\NativeServer\OpenBots.NativeServer.exe",

The native element recorder started working again.


  • Participant
  • Calender Icon December 28,2021 at 5:19 PM


Yes, recieved

Lakshmi Sukumar

  • Participant
  • Calender Icon December 28,2021 at 5:09 PM


Could you please confirm the email address?


  • Participant
  • Calender Icon December 28,2021 at 3:28 PM


I didn't receive an email

Lakshmi Sukumar

  • Participant
  • Calender Icon December 28,2021 at 3:17 PM

@SAINAG001 I have emailed you to the email address associated with this account, let me know if you receive it.


  • Participant
  • Calender Icon December 28,2021 at 5:48 AM


I am available to attend a meeting.

Lakshmi Sukumar

  • Participant
  • Calender Icon December 27,2021 at 9:20 PM

It is difficult to troubleshoot the Native recorder without taking a closer look at the environment. Would you be able to join me in a Teams meeting for a quick troubleshooting session? if so, I�ll send you a meeting invite to the email associated with this account, depending on your availability


  • Participant
  • Calender Icon December 27,2021 at 7:22 PM


Version 1.7.0 and before I installed an old version three months ago but I uninstalled it a long ago. Currently using studio version 1.7

Lakshmi Sukumar

  • Participant
  • Calender Icon December 27,2021 at 6:59 PM


Yes, the Native Browser Create Application command does not need the extension enabled to work. All other commands that perform an action on the browser, do need the extension to be able to run.

Could you please confirm what version of Studio you have installed? and also, if this is the first time installing Studio on your machine?


  • Participant
  • Calender Icon December 27,2021 at 5:50 PM


the path is correct in the manifest file as shown below: "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenBots Inc\Extensions\NativeServer\OpenBots.NativeServer.exe" { "name": "com.openbots.chromeserver.message", "description": "OpenBots Native Messaging Host for Chrome", "path": "C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenBots Inc\Extensions\NativeServer\OpenBots.NativeServer.exe", "type": "stdio", "allowed_origins": [ "chrome-extension://kkepankimcahnjamnimeijpplgjpmdpp/" ] }

and I also checked all the steps in the setup guide but it doesn't help me resolve this issue.

I was able to create a new native instance and open a browser with the Native Browser Create Application Chrome command. (Does this command not require the extension to execute?)

Thanks, Aditya

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