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Multi If command broken

Umaema Ashraf

  • Reporter
  • Calender Icon June 01,2022 at 9:33 PM

Hello, I am currently having issue with the multi if command, which used to work in 1.7 as described. it seems like there is a compiling issue with the builder. I have the screen snips of the errors that OB studio is putting out as well.

The multi if builder values are as follows: Logic Type - Or Multiple If Conditions - Add New If Statement - Condition Option - Builder If Condition - Text Compare Additional Parameters - Text1 - UnitRows["STATE2"].ToString() Operand - "contains" Text2 - "A" Case Sensitive - "No" the additional statements given are repeated as stated above for letters C, D, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W; meaning there are a total of 19 if conditions. The errors do not appear until you are ready to debug.

Examples of errors are as follows: error CS1012: Too many characters in character literal error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected error CS0103: The name 'If' does not exist in the current context error CS0103: The name 'contains' does not exist in the current context error CS1525: Invalid expression term '{' error CS1003: Syntax error, ':' expected error CS1002: ; expected error CS1513: } expected error CS1001: Identifier expected error CS1003: Syntax error, ']' expected

This forum has 316 topics, 681 replies, and was last updated 2 days ago by Faheem Syed

Poornima Malv

  • Participant
  • Calender Icon June 03,2022 at 2:47 PM

Hi Umaema,

Thankyou for sharing your query. As of now to fix this issue you can bypass/ignore validation errors and you can execute the script as validation failure does not stop user from running the script. Alternatively, you can use if instead of multi if.

This issue would be fixed and will be patched in 1.8.1 version.


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