Support > Forums > OpenBots Studio > Data Conversion into Key-Value Pair Extracted from PDF

Data Conversion into Key-Value Pair Extracted from PDF

D evil

  • Reporter
  • Calender Icon November 15,2023 at 3:07 PM


I'm reaching out for assistance as I'm relatively new to Open Bots Studio, having used it for the past two days. My current challenge is extracting data from PDF files received via email and storing this information in a Sharepoint list. I've successfully extracted data based on the email, but I'm struggling with converting this string data into a key-value pair for storage.

I've attempted various methods, including Regex, Substring, and JSON, but none have proven successful. Could someone please guide me on how to achieve this? Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

This forum has 314 topics, 681 replies, and was last updated 26 days ago by Support Agent

Nataly Alvarado...

  • Participant
  • Calender Icon November 16,2023 at 5:26 PM

Hi D evil,

Thank you for reaching out to us. We understand your challenge and are here to assist you.

Note that there are different approaches you can take to convert the extracted string data into a key-value pair.

For example, a recommended approach would be to use regexes to generate a list of matching keys and pairs, to later them store them in a Dictionary. This can be done through the Studio commands, but for easiness of use I would recommend to use the Evaluate Snippet command to perform this type of actions. This will allow you to invoke a snippet of c# code, where you can assign and use variables/arguments accordingly.

If you require more assistance, feel free to share the extracted string and indicate the values you need to extract and we can help you find a suitable solution.


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